
The privacy policy for this website is very simple. I don’t collect anything more than your browser provides by default, and I try not to be creepy with it. I also don’t use any third-party web resources: no web fonts, no social buttons, and no asset CDNs.

IP Addresses and User Agent strings

I keep web server access logs, including IP addresses and User-Agent strings, in order to analyze what parts of my website receive the most unique traffic, and from which devices. This information tells me what pages are popular, and which browsers and platforms I should test before making changes. I retain access logs indefinitely, because this site is currently so small that no specific log rotation policy is required. I may associate the IP addresses with the GeoIP database to identify the regions in which the site’s content is popular.

Other Parties

When you visit this site, your traffic is passing through Cloudflare (privacy policy) and being answered by a server hosted by Linode (privacy policy), specifically in the Newark data center. Any data processed by those companies is out of my control. Unfortunately, this does mean that your web traffic to this site briefly visits New Jersey. Sorry.