Marshmallows at The End by Crowchips
CrowChips did a fantastic job with this piece commemorating when Scale and I played Outer Wilds during the “oh this isn’t going to blow over” phase of the COVID-19 lockdowns. It was an incredible experience for us, and we’re both so happy to have something we can get printed and hung on our wall to commemorate it :3
Outer Wilds is not really a co-op game, but we made it into one by sitting next to each other and trading off who was in the pilot’s seat every hour or so. It was a wonderful game, and I highly recommend that anyone who likes adventure/exploration games give it a shot. Note: do not do any research into the game! Don’t even watch the Steam preview videos. The game has some interesting mechanics that are much more fun if you discover them on your own.
There’s also another version of this commission, for Halloween! I’ve put it in a spoiler block below, since it will definitely reveal things about the Echoes of the Eye DLC.
Echoes of the Eye DLC spoilers, alt version